Your Whole Self
Often in life there comes a time when a person feels overwhelmed by outer circumstances or inner turmoil. You might be feeling this way, or you might be feeling that something in life is missing. You might feel that something important and significant needs to be lived and a new path needs to be found. I offer Jungian-oriented psychotherapy with the goal of helping you live the life you are meant to live. This approach is holistic. You are a whole person with a past, present and future. Current concerns are viewed in the context of your whole life: past memories and events, current circumstances and conflicts, future goals and aspirations.
Symptoms and conflicts, wrenching though they are, are viewed as callings. These callings, cloaked in emotional intensity and often inexplicable actions or behaviors, are a prompt for action. Engaging in psychotherapy with a holistic approach is one action you can take that can lead to lasting and rewarding change. Symptoms and issues addressed in this work include: